Frequently asked questions
You most certainly can! We will try our best to match the requested driver to your charter.
We are on-call 24 hours, 7 days a week. You can call us on 03 9845-1400 and you can either leave a message (non-emergency) that will be collected by personnel the next working day or you can leave an urgent message for an Operations Manager to return your call immediately (e.g: queries on live charter bookings).
Our charter coaches can pickup from anywhere in Australia and can cover all areas of Melbourne and surrounds. Speak to a booking officer to query your exact pickup and destination details.
Yes, you can pay by credit card over the phone or by sending your card details on the slip included with your statement. Credit card transactions incur a 2% surcharge.
Alternatively, you can pay by giving cash/cheque to the driver or by direct deposit into our account as follows:
Crown Coaches Pty Ltd
BSB: 013-328
A/C: 298417422
Please always email or fax your payment remittance advice. Thank You.
Fax: +61 3 9845 1450
Our coach sizes vary between 21 and 89 seats (conditions apply)
Please allow a minimum of 1 week notice to confirm a new booking. Of course, if you do have a last minute booking enquiry please contact us and we will do our best to help you.
Yes, your charter with Crown Coaches Pty. Ltd. is fully insured.
No, none of our coaches have toilet facilities. Our drivers can plan toilet stops according to your itinerary.
We do not have set itineraries as such, but we can most certainly assist you with your own itinerary. Crown Coaches generally caters for clients that have their own set itineraries.
A Quote ID number specifies multiple charter bookings in an order. A Charter ID number is used for each individual booking. These ID numbers are for the clients’ reference and are displayed on your quote and confirmation emails and faxes as well as tax invoices. Please provide your Charter ID number to our booking officers when querying your booking or quotation.
Crown Coaches is not authorised to approve home pickups. All requests should be made directly through your child’s school.
Crown Coaches are not authorised to change Department of Education and Training (DET) school runs. Any request to vary the route, including a home pick up, must be done by the school and must be approved by the DET’s Student Transport Unit.
All routes and times are approved by the Department of Education and Training (DET). As changes to the runs can have an impact on the other users of the service, your request must be made directly through your child’s school.
Book with us today
Make an enquiry via our website or call us on (03) 9845 1400 when thinking about safe and reliable transport.